texas employment laws

Summary of Texas Employment Laws: Commission and Bonus Laws

In most states, companies have substantial discretion to change their commission structures and or bonuses. However, issues arise when those changes reduce commissions on deals that have closed, which arguably the employee or independent contractor has already earned. The employer can get into trouble and/or be liable for payment of those “earned” commissions. This applies to the state of Texas, as outlined in Texas employment laws.

Disputes Pertaining to Texas Employment Laws

Disputes also arise when an employer’s bonus/commission plan states that you forfeit your right to payment of commissions or bonuses. This happens if you are not employed/an independent contractor on the payment due date.  This is typically called a “you must be present to win” provision as stated in Texas employment laws.

Issues arise when an employee or contractor continues working after a company announces changes to its payment structure that reduce commissions. If the salesperson does not object in writing and continues to work after notice of the changes, many times the salesperson will waive his or her rights to the old, higher commission structure.

Potential Factors of Legal Obligation

There are several other situations that can lead to disputes and legal claims pertaining to Texas employment laws. One such situation occurs when an employer fires a salesperson or the salesperson quits prior to the time that commissions/bonuses have been paid. There are several relevant factors regarding whether or not there is a legal obligation to pay a commission/bonus:

  • Is the plan in writing?
  • Are the terms on how you earn and are paid commission/bonuses unequivocal or ambiguous?
  • How are the earning of commissions or bonuses defined?
  • What facts determine whether or not a sale is final and the commission is earned?
  • Are there any claw back provisions, such as sales, that were initially made and later canceled by the customer?

Commissions may be legally owed if there has been a long-standing custom, pattern or practice of paying commissions or bonuses under particular circumstances. Even if was not in writing! If an employer consistently makes payments and then doesn’t pay one particular individual, that could lead to the employer being liable for illegal discrimination. These cases can become time-consuming and unpredictable because they are often based on the particular facts of a particular situation. This will vary between companies paying commissions and also very over time within a particular company.

Principles of Fairness and Equity

Even if a plan is clear, under certain circumstances, a contractor or employee may be able to recover the commissions or a cash equivalent under other legal theories. These legal theories are based on the principles of fairness and equity. The legal terms are recovering damages under causes of action for  “promissory estoppel,”  “unjust enrichment” and/or “quantum meruit.”

In addition, if a company is intentionally acting in bad faith and/or trying to trick salespeople regarding a commission or bonus plan, a salesperson may be able to pursue a fraud claim. However, it is more difficult generally to win a fraud claim than a claim based on fairness and equity.

Six  Key Takeaways

  1. If you are a company paying commissions or bonuses, put your plan in writing. This decreases the chances of a misunderstanding, confusion or mistakes.
  2. Obtain a copy of the plan if you are entitled to receive commissions or bonuses. Similarly, if the metrics or provisions are unclear, get a manager to clarify – in writing – any uncertainties.
  3. If you resign prior to the date the commission is paid, you are at risk for not receiving your commissions.
  4. Poorly worded or confusing metrics and provisions about payment of commissions/bonuses can be held against a company. That is, if the company wrote the plan. Because of this, companies should take the time to get it right.
  5. A company should be consistent with regard to payment of commissions and bonuses. Inconsistencies can subject the employer to liability for discrimination claims.
  6. Companies should have a clearly written plan. Otherwise, they may unwittingly become liable to pay bonuses and commissions based on custom, pattern or practice.


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